Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer garden!

Silk on the corn
                                                       Sugar Baby Watermelon
                                                     Pumpkin vines
Ok so I have planted Peaches and Cream Corn, Sugar Baby watermelons, and Jack-O-Lantern pumpkins, and cucumbers. I also planted peas, and tomatoes. I have learned a lot from having this garden. One: vine plants need LOTS of room. They will plan a coup and take over anything you put next to it. Example, my tomatoes and corn. 2: I need WAY MORE tomato plants. Apparently tomatoes don't all grow and ripen at once. Thus, if you have, as I did, only three tomato plants, the chances of having enough of them at any one time are slim to none. 3: corn is amazing to watch grow. You think you put enough room between the rows to water and weed. It is that way until they are really tall and their leaves are longer than my wing span. Need more room between rows. BUT, not so much that they can't wind pollinate. (Sigh) 4: I need to plant strawberries, and carrots and onions. 5: not bothered about peas. 6: need to plant pickling cucumbers. Need MORE plants than two. 7: Try a bigger size watermelon next year. 8: Pumpkins are sneaky minxes. They DO NOT like hot weather. And even though the vines are strong, the leaves are dinner plate size and the flowers are big, orange and beautiful....They will NOT fruit in hot weather. So I anxiously await my pumpkins. 9: God was obviously really, I mean really mad at Adam and Eve when he kicked them out of the garden of Eden. I have one word of tortured punishment people: WEEDS. How is it that they can grow in ANY weather, in drought, and still grow better than any pampered, fertilized, watered and sung to veggies or fruit? I mean really, REALLY? Thanks for listening to my rant. The plants gets this lecture ALL the time, they are happy someone else feels their pain.