Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back in Denver

Sooooo, we are back in Denver, CO and loving it! Maggie and Mal Baker now live with us and have been so great! Abbi is doing great in school. We just found out that she has some hearing loss and will have to have and MRI to find out what caused it and see if the hearing loss is progressive. She will have to have hearing aids too, this will help her so much with her speech and confidence! Bella is loving her cavities and Vaughan is getting his tonsils out! Busy month April will be. And I am learning PHP, HTML, and MySQL. So wish me luck with that! If you are looking for a GREAT book to read, try Nia by Mella Reese. Here is the link to her blog:

I also follow The Pioneer Woman, if you love good home cookin' she has the most amazing recipes!

So here are some of the latest pictures of my kids and family!


  1. Wow, I think hell just froze over... you updated your blog! Just kidding!
    Glad that things are going well for you guys, but we sure do miss you guys here in Vegas!!!!!
    Keep us updated on the kids. We are praying for them:-) Love you guys!!!!

  2. What a cute blot! I want it! So glad the kids are doing great---Jonah had his tonsills out at age 3. It was one of the best things we ever did.

    Thanks so much for the plug---I think I need to pay you for all the free advertising.

  3. Whoops! I mean what a cute BLOG! Hey, it's been a long day.
